Affärsjuridiska paket till
förutsägbara och fasta priser
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Våra mest populära paket
Incitamentsprogram: Personaloptioner som engagerar anställda
Skapa ett program för kvalificerade personaloptioner (KPO:er) för att göra anställda i bolaget till ägare, enkelt och smidigt.
Incitamentsprogram: teckningsoptionspaketet
Skapa ett teckningsoptionsprogram för att låta anställda och andra nyckelpersoner få ta del av bolagets värdeökning utan att omedelbart bli aktieägare.
Ny delägare genom försäljning av befintliga aktier
Få professionell hjälp med att ta in fler delägare i bolaget (genom försäljning av befintliga aktier till dina anställda eller andra nyckelpersoner) och samtidigt säkerställa att ett aktieägaravtal kommer på plats.
Nyemission - det vanligaste sättet att ta in nytt kapital
En nyemission, där bolaget ger ut nya aktier mot betalning till bolaget för dessa aktier, är ett vanligt sätt att kapitalisera bolaget.
Övriga affärsjuridiska paket
Price from SEK 12 300
General terms and conditions of sales
Assistance in drafting appropriate terms and conditions for the sale of products or services. This includes a start-up meeting, preparation of draft terms of sales, review of the draft and final adjustments.
Price from SEK 8 500
Employment agreement
Assistance in drafting a customized employment agreement. This includes a start-up meeting, preparation of a draft employment agreement, review of the draft and final adjustments.
Price from SEK 9 950
Contract review - standard
(Up to 10 pages) including comments
Support with analyzing a contract, for example in connection with a contractual dispute, before a contract negotiation or a contract proposal received from a counterparty. This includes a start-up meeting, review of the contract, drafting of a possible amended/annotated version and a follow-up meeting.
Price from SEK 18 000
Contract review - large
(up to 25 pages) including comments
Support with analyzing a contract, for example in connection with a contractual dispute, before a contract negotiation or a contract proposal received from a counterparty. This includes a start-up meeting, review of the contract, drafting of a possible amended/annotated version and a follow-up meeting. Contact us for price for 25 + pages contracts.
Price from SEK 18 000
Shareholders' agreement
Assistance in drafting a customized shareholders’ agreement. This includes a start-up meeting, preparation of a draft shareholders’ agreement, review of the draft and final adjustments.
Price from SEK 10 000
Set up a business
We will guide you with the purchase of an already formed company or with the formation of a limited liability company.
Price from SEK 16 500
GDPR / App terms and conditions package
Support in drafting terms of use for an App and information to data subjects under the GDPR (privacy notice). This includes a start-up meeting, preparation of draft terms of use and privacy notice, review of the drafts and final adjustments.
Price from SEK 18 000
GDPR / Web shop package
Support in drafting general terms and conditions for web shop sales and information to data subjects under the GDPR (privacy notice). This includes a start-up meeting, preparation of draft general terms and conditions and privacy notice, review of the drafts and final adjustments.
Price from SEK 12 300
SAAS-agreement/Software License Agreement
Support in drafting appropriate terms of use for a Software as a Service (SaaS). This includes a start-up meeting, preparation of draft terms of use, review of the draft and final adjustments.
Price from SEK 2 500
Confidentiality agreement
Assistance in drafting a customized confidentiality agreement. This includes a start-up meeting, preparation of a draft confidentiality agreement, review of the draft and final adjustments.
Pris från 18 000 kr + 2 000 kr per tillkommande deltagare exkl reg. avgift
New share issue
Assistance in preparing the documentation for a rights issue. This includes two meetings, the documentation for the decision, the minutes of the board, the minutes of the general meeting, the subscription list and the registration form.
Price from 11 000 kr
Employee stock option program
Qualified employee stock options
Use our automated service, Optionsautomaten, for qualified employee stock options. An affordable and user-friendly tool to compile option agreements.
Here's how it works
Talk to us (15 min)
To move forward, we first look at your needs and how we can best help you. Here you can book an appointment or leave a phone number and one of our lawyers will call you back. Before the meeting, you will be asked to provide details of your company, your activities and any counterparties to rule out conflicts of interest. There is no charge for meeting with our lawyers.
2. Offer/contract confirmation
If you decide to go ahead after our meeting, we will send you a confirmation email and suggest a date for a start-up meeting. At the same time, we will flag if you have needs that do not fall within the package price and secure payment details.
3. Advice and document production
We will draft the necessary conditions/documents. We will guide you through the process and be here to answer your questions and concerns. We are happy to meet online, but for those who need to, we will meet at one of our offices in Stockholm or Gothenburg.
After completion of the assignment
It is important to us that you as a customer are satisfied. Legal advice from us is a win-win situation: our clients, our employees, our company and our community. Please let us know your experience!