Andreas Tocklin

Andreas Tocklin

Business lawyer

Why I work with business law

Business law - and employment law in particular - is complex in the sense that there are more dimensions than the strictly legal to take into account. For example, a client may be in the right, but for various reasons cannot kan get it right. It is also about hard and soft values and different outcome scenarios that must be weighed against each other, where the best outcome in the short term may not always be the best in the long term. There are also challenges in explaining complex legal issues to non-lawyers. These are issues that I like to highlight and deal with!

My background

I have worked as an employee of a law firm since 2007 and have run my own law firm since 2012. Early on, I specialized in employment law and have become faithful to this area of law even though my business law expertise is much broader than that.

My areas of expertise

My main experience is of course in the field of labor law, but over the years I have also worked continuously with, for example, shareholder agreements mainly related to employment, general contract law and business transfers.

Mobile: +46 73 977 88 90

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